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September SLT Minutes

The Lillian Weber School PS 84M

32 West 92nd Street ~ New York, NY 10025 ~ (212) 799-2534

Dr. Evelyn J. Lolis, Principal

Ms. Mary A. Acosta, Assistant Principal Mr. Lester Acevedo, Assistant Principal

Members Present: Joshua Raskin, Betsey Perlmutter, Emily Hernandez , Katie Sheehan, Evelyn Lolis, Scott Stitson, Alisha Zucker, Danielle Molins, Peter Snyder, Yasmin Jones, Ojediran Olunife , Neil Fitzgerald, Carly Kleinjan

I. Call to Order

II. Welcome Back

● Members introduced themselves

● New members will be joining for the October meeting, following PTA Elections.

III. Scheduling

● Dates: Meetings on Wednesdays, 10/20, 11/17, 12/15, 1/19, 2/16, 3/23, 4/27, 5/25,


● Possible other dates will be added as needed.

● Meetings will be in person once a month.

IV. Reports:

● Principal’s Report

○ Dr. Gholdy Muhammed

■ Equity in education

■ Historically Responsive History

■ Plans to incorporate Dr. Muhammed’s teaching into SLT so we can look at

aligning PS84 vision to Dr. Muhammed.

● PTA Report

○ Elections to take place October 5th.

○ Focus to build up the PTA budget again. Events being planned.

○ Class parent discussion.

■ Working on ways to increase parent involvement and make sure that every

class has a class parent. Importance of class parent role.

○ Best ways to communicate with parents to increase school and committee involvement.

● After School Report

○ Afterschool is up and running, students are enjoying themselves, parents are happy that the after-school is back.

○ We will be watching how the first cycle goes, and then we can start adding back in things like musical theatre and former activities.

V. Discussion of New Business Agenda

● Establish SLT Goals

○ Chair Consensus

■ Teacher Co-chairs - Josh Raskin and Emily Hernandez

■ Parent Chair - Alisha Zucker

○ SLT Agenda - SLT Chairs will meet before each meeting to set the agenda.

○ Agenda Items -

■ Importance of SLT is to focus on CEP goals.

■ Not a forum to discuss individual student issues and/or concerns.

■ Principle caf  would be a better place to discuss other issues.

■ Parents may contact the Parent Coordinator for individual concerns.

○ Suggestions

■ A member suggested a requirement from the PTA that 1% of the yearly

budget be allocated to fund programs targeting student improvement.

■ Suggests amending the PTA Constitution to reflect the school values.

VI. Creation of Agenda for the Next Meeting

a. Takeaways

b. Next steps

● Review of bylaws

● Review Mission Statement

VII. Adjournment

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